Hypoglycemia Management - Sistematic Literature Review

Tahnne Lopes, Isabel Cruz


The growing movement in search of ideal glycemics indexes, with the use of tight insulin protocols, greatly increased the incidence of hypoglycemic episodes in hospitals. Given this scenario, the study aimed to answer the clinical flaming question: On client of high complexity, what is the effective to prescript of nursing 'hypoglycemia management' for the treatment of risk of unstable glycemy? To answer the question, we realized a data collection using the PICO strategy through computerized search in electronic databases SciELO, LILACS, MEDLINE and PubMed/MEDLINE via PICO. Were selected 08 articles that met the inclusion criteria of this study, analyzing them and discussed in order to obtain the best available evidence for nursing practice. Was concluded that the episodes of hypoglycemia are still underreported, despite the increase in incidence and that the establishment of protocols for rapid management of hypoglycemia as well as the continuing education of nursing professionals have brought improvement and efficiency to services in which they were applied.


hypoglycemia/ prevention & control; nursing care; critical care

URN: http://www.jsncare.uff.br/index.php/jsncareurn:nbn:de:1983-4152jsncare.v4i1.23524

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