Acácia Santos Maia Machado, Isabel CF da Cruz


Objective: To review the interprofessional guidelines based on evidence on the risk of ocular dryness in intensive care unit. Methodology: Systematic review of the literature, retrospective review of the scientific literature published. We searched the electronic databases, using the Virtual Health Library (VHL), and the PICO strategy was used to form a clinical question. Results: The results show that there are multiple associated factors for the development of ocular lesion in intensive care patients. Continuing education is of paramount importance in preventing dry eyes, it is a simple, inexpensive and effective method. It shows that that of polyethylene film yields good results, however more studies need to be performed to confirm the best prevention. Conclusion: The results of this research showed that it is extremely important the training of health professionals to perform first the identification of risk factors for dry eyes. Regarding prevention of dry eyes, studies show that polyethylene film has good results in critically ill patients, but there is still a great shortage of material, making clear the need for more research on its use and comparative with other types confirmation of this hypothesis. Recommendations: Continuing education team, polyethylene film, eye drops and lubricating gel.


Dry Eye Syndromes; Critical Care; Nursing; Cornea.

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