Nursing evidence-based interprofissional practice guidelines for dysfunctional response to ventilatory weaning in ICU – Systematic Literature Review

Mariana do Nascimento Leite, Isabel CF da Cruz


Abstract: The dysfunctional response to ventilatory weaning may be manifested by signs and symptoms presented by the patient after withdrawal of the mechanical ventilator for more than 24 hours in use. It is necessary that the professional is highly qualified and prepared to control and reverse any kind of negative interventions coming from it. Objective: to review evidence-based interprofessional guidelines that will assist the intensive care nurse in identifying and treating nursing care related to the dysfunctional ventilatory weaning response in the context of the interprofessional team. Methods: It is a bibliographical review, carried out through a computerized research, using the databases: Virtual Health Library (VHL) and LILACS and BDENF. Inclusion criteria: nursing articles published between 2011 to 2017, available online, focusing on the adult / elderly. Results: The research resulted in 10 articles describing the use of invasive mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, as well as the validation of instruments. Conclusion: There was a low scientific production on the subject, besides the importance of nurses throughout the weaning process and the early identification of the signs and symptoms presented by the patient.
Keywords: Intensive Therapy; Mechanical Ventilation; Nursing Care.


Critical Care; Mechanical Ventilation; Nursing Care.

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