Nursing evidence-based interprofissional practice guidelines for patients with dysfunctional family processes by alcohol in ICU - Systematic literature review

Thunay Braz Muniz, Isabel CF da Cruz


Abstract: This is a systematic review, with a qualitative approach, with the purpose of identifying nursing processes to optimize high complexity client interpersonal care with dysfunctional family processes due to alcoholism. Dysfunctional family disorder (alcoholism) is a public health problem that affects the individual and his family. The main motivation of this research is to clarify that there is no ideal treatment for dysfunctional family processes. The hospitalization of these clients in an intensive care unit requires special attention from health professionals. Nurses play a major role in this care, since they receive the client by taking their history, performing the physical examination, performing the care, advising and teaching health maintenance, guiding the patients and their families in the continuity of treatment, and coordinates and constantly trains the employees under his guidance, so that the service to this client is effective. In this way it is possible to minimize stress, fear and anxiety both client and family, obtaining considerable improvements in relation to feelings, as well as overcoming their difficulties of social interaction, developing a healthy adaptation through coping skills...


Intensive care; Evidence-based nursing; Alcoholism

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