Digital technologies in the nursing process for highly complex cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment – Systematized Literature Review

Laryssa Cunha Portela Cardoso, Isabel Cristina Fonseca Cruz


Objective: identify in the scientific literature and systematically synthesize the best evidence on methods and digital technologies for the nursing process in the care of highly complex cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Methods: This is a systematic review of the literature through an online database search, from 2014 to 2021, in the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), and the Virtual Health Library (BVS) from August to November 2022. Results: According to the selected articles, it is possible to observe that several DICTs were developed to optimize the care provided to cancer patients, the use of digital systems can provide symptom monitoring, self-management training, care protocols, changes in therapy, and alerts to oncology nurses about the deterioration of cancer patients using chemotherapy, thus optimizing their care, especially in highly complex situations. Conclusion: This study sought to highlight the importance of technologies as well as to show new methods related to them, based on scientific evidence to improve nursing practice, allowing safe, efficient, qualified, humanized, and comfortable assistance to patients using chemotherapy, showing some examples of studies and practices related to the theme.


Cancer; Intensive therapy; Electronic equipment; Chemotherapy

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