Orientations to client at postoperative of cardiac surgery – evidenced based nursing practice

Marcia LR Mendes, Isabel CF da Cruz


The objective was make bibliographical revision of orientations to the client in the perioperative of cardiac surgery, of last research of nursing published in the 5 years, aiming at the update of the nursing concerning the practical subject on the basis of nursing based on evidences. The used methodology was the computerized bibliographical published scientific article research. A table was made, where the authors had been mentioned, the year, the objective of the research, the type of used instrument, the main ones found and the conclusion of the authors. From these articles a critical analysis was carried through, objectifying to analyze the importance of the orientations and clarifications of the nurse to the client in the perioperative of cardiac surgery. One concludes that the care of nursing involves to guide and to clarify the clients on as it will go to develop the operative process and the postoperative one.


nursing, surgical patient, cardiologic, perioperative

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URN: http://www.jsncare.uff.br/index.php/jsncareurn:nbn:de:1983-4152jsncare.v2i2.21994

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