The position change acting in the prevention of pressure ulcers - literature review.

Marina Souza Mendonça, Isabel CF da Cruz


The Pressure Ulcer and an underestimated complication in critically ill patients bedridden, since it can lead to several complications for the patient's condition. The aim of this study and look through the PICO strategy in nursing journals the best available evidence for the customer care of high complexity to prevent pressure ulcers through changing positions. Computerized literature search included in the period from 2007 to 2012, in scientific databases PubMed and the Portal of Nursing Journals. It was concluded that the position change is one of the most effective ways to prevent pressure ulcers, and of course if done with other prevention measures increases the chances of preventing the onset of further pressure ulcer.


Pressure Ulcer, Nursing Care, Intensive Care Unit e Change Decubitus.

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