Reduction of infection associated with central venous catheterization by antiseptics - Sistematic Literature Review

Juliana Silva Marinho, Isabel CF da Cruz


A major infections that affect patients of intensive care units is a blood infection associated with the use of central venous catheter. Objective: To identify nursing research, using strategy PICO (patient, intervention, comparison and observation - results) to determine the best available evidence from the use of Central Venous Catheter and choice of antiseptics by the nurse with the reduction of Bloodstream Infection. Methods: Systematic Review of the use of antiseptic dressings for the prevention of infections in the databases PubMed and Bireme between the years 2008 to 2012.Results: 235 articles were found and of these 10 were included in the study. Conclusion: Several studies have been conducted, but there is wide difference between antiseptics. Recommendation: The use of chlorhexidine was the most recommended.


Nursing care; Intensive care; Central venous catheterization

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