The nursing care (or protocol) recommended for prevention of pain associated with peripheral IV insertions in the critical patient - Sistematic Literature Review

Liana Ribeiro, Isabel Cruz


The peripheral punctures are usual procedures in nursing practice. The pain of peripheral venous catheter insertion is characterized as a common complaint to critical patients Objective: Identify the nursing scientific production determining the best evidence available to the nursing care to pain prevention associated with peripheral IV insertions. Method: Literature review through electronic search in databases and virtual libraries. Data collection occurred between June and August 2013. It was selected 10 scientific studies for the sample to be analyzed. The results were analyzed of the light of the thematic study and evidence-based practice. Result: It was observed that the pain related to venipuncture independent of race, age and gender. The application of anesthetic was one of the most recurrent interventions between productions. It was lidocaine the main substance identified. All of the local anesthetics should be used as an alternative basis of factors such as price and convenience choice. The moist and dry heat are economical , safe, enjoyable and comfortable for patients while decreasing various attempts at IV insertion and reduce procedure time . The application of ultrasonography (U.S.) to guide peripheral venous puncture can contribute to nursing care. Alternative measures such as the Valsalva maneuver, picture before puncture, the infrared devices, venous translumial optical and venous input indicator resulted positively in the management of pain during venipuncture. Conclusion: All techniques showed promising reduction of pain during insertion of the intravenous catheter and so they are recommended for nursing use daily. Recommendation: The studies showed moderate to strong evidence forces. In this sense, the recommendations outlined in the study are beneficial, safe and have a low cost, making feasible the use and incorporation into routine intensive care services.


Nursing Care, Intensive Care Unit, Pain

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