Acute pain: Characterized by observational evidence of pain-systematic review of the literature

Marta de Lima Rezende, Isabel CF da Cruz


Abstract: Objective: To analyze published articles that answer the clinical question: for highly complex client with acute pain, which is the most effective intervention or protocol for its resolution. Method: literature review in national and international nursing journals in the scientific search period March-April 2014, articles published in 2009 and 2014. The following databases were used: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) PubMed via PICO, Latin Literature - American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS), Nursing Database (BDENF). Results: It was observed that acute pain can arise in different ways, so there was also the importance of nurses in choosing the best approach to maintain pain control in hospitalized patients in intensive care units. Conclusion: The nurse is the reference professional care team, so it's up to him to ensure that the actions related to pain management are applied, and that the patient is properly assisted. Recommendations: The studies showed evidence of moderate strength. The recommendations addressed in this research are beneficial, safe and economical, making it feasible to use and incorporation into the routine of intensive care.


Acute-Pain, Intensive Care, Analgesics

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