Preventive nursing care of urinary tract infection associated with catheter high customer complexity: systematize literature review

Yasmim Basilio Araujo, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


The high incidence of urinary tract infections associated with catheter (Cautis) in conjunction consideration that it is a reasonably preventable condition, so it demands preventive measures. This study aimed to seek the best available evidence in the literature on nursing care, which can be performed to prevent the development of CAUTI in the ICU. This is about systematic review of the literature happened in the period from July to November 2015, in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE and COCHRANE. Inclusion criteria: articles published in the period 2010 to 2015, full text available languages English, Spanish and Portuguese, obtained a sample of 20 articles which were measured for level of evidence and grade of recommendation. Considering the reunited evidences describe nursing care preventive development of CAUTI: Avoiding inserting urinary catheters; using institutional protocols for insertion; appropriate techniques for the insertion and catheters maintenance, sterile insertion, closed drainage system, use standard precautions for management the catheter system; early removal of catheters; electronic reminders for tests; Alternative intermittent catheterization, external catheter (condom), portable ultrasonography system (bladder); training and updating of professionals; It worth considering two nurses to execute urinary catheterization so that ensures facilitation of the procedure, aseptic thus makes it safer. This study reunites relating evidences to preventive nursing care, the development of CAUTI and that led to the drafting of synthesis of care, which must be practiced in order to provide quality care.


Nursing Care; Prevention & Control; Urinary Tract Infections.

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