Conscience and mechanical ventilation: sistematic literature review for a clinical protocol

Cleomara Matos Craveiro, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


The aim of this study was to investigate the scientific research that address awareness and mechanical ventilation on the latest available scientific evidence. A literature search was conducted through a systematic review of computerized literature, between 2010-2015, in the databases: Lilacs, Scielo and Pubmed. Gives analysis of the material, it was possible to create three categories: Measurement of dyspnea; Strategies ventilation and orientation programs, using as descriptors: ventilation; ventilation and conscience and mechanical ventilation. Were selected 30 articles, in which 10 were excluded for not answering you thematic and 20 included, 14 in Portuguese, three in English and three in Spanish, where they should be available in full and free of charge, in Portuguese / English / Spanish, which were selected using content analysis and synthesis. It was found that significant educational programs should support competent performance and enable nurses to be more proactive in the care of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. Teach and assess clinical knowledge, skills and problem solving skills should include didactic and interactive activities with regular training sessions to avoid performance degradation that can occur over time. We conclude that in seeking to promote a better quality of life for patients, nurses should be aware of how to handle this device, mainly because the patient may in pain and can not express it. The technical knowledge of fan use can be used as strategies of a visual analogue scale and the Borg scale. Communicate with the patient is essential to provide care and improve care


Ventilation; Mechanical Ventilation; Conscience and Ventilation.

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