Risk for impaired skin integrity - systematic review of the literature

Shanna Rangel da Silva Cardoso, Isabel C F da Cruz


To better understand the most effective intervention for the client with impaired skin integrity and due to the high potential since the client presented pressure ulcer, I selected 12 articles through the LILACS and MEDLINE bibliographic databases from 2010 to 2016 and performed a review systematic study of the national and international literature, were used as inclusion criteria: Full text available in Portuguese and English, evaluated in relation to the strength of evidence and clinical relevance. The goal was to identify the most effective nursing intervention to maintain high complexity client skin integrity. Considering the evidences studied, it was concluded that the most effective intervention to maintain the integrity of the skin of the patient of high complexity, is based on the nurse's commitment to preventive care, based on the assessment of the condition of the skin and the identification of the need to use Of prophylactic devices and the rigorous implementation of patient repositioning.


Nursing care, Pressure ulcer, moving and lifting patients.

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URN: http://www.jsncare.uff.br/index.php/jsncareurn:nbn:de:1983-4152jsncare.v9i1.28905

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