Anxiety related to death - systematic literature review

Thainá Castro Gomes, Isabel CF da Cruz


Abstract: The death-related anxiety is an important factor in the intensive care unit for both the nurse and the patient and his family. So he settled the question highly complex client practice with the diagnosis of death-related anxiety, which the intervention (or Protocol) of nursing more effective for your resolution? Objective was raise in the literature the best evidence of careful, using the strategy to determine the best nursing intervention available for care of the client/family with death-related anxiety. Methodology this is a computerized bibliographic search, Library bases MEDLINE, LILACS and BDENF, between 2010 and 2016, using key words: Death, nursing and the intensive care unit. The ultimate in search getting 10 articles. Results this study has shown that nurses are not prepared to deal with death, being seen as a professional loss. Feelings are experienced frustration, anguish, anxiety, sadness, fear, pain, grief and guilt. Faced with the need to adapt to the new context create defense mechanisms. And should give emotional support to the family, to promote comfort and physical integrity to the patient. It was concluded with the preparation of this research need to empower the professionals during the academic life, because it is known that nursing courses still offer little room for this theme and that there is a lack of preparation in relation to organ donation.


death; nursing; intensive care unit

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