Bladder retension in patients in the of therapy intensive – sistematic literature review

Elisângela de Souza Santos, Isabel CF da Cruz


Abstract: Urinary retention is a common complication in the highly complex patient, external factors such as hospitalization itself impair the functionality of the body and the urinary system is affected. The objective of this study was to search through the PICO strategy the best available evidence on the nursing intervention in urinary retention. This is a computerized bibliographical research carried out in the period from 2010 to 2016, in PubMed and BVS databases. Used as inclusion criteria: Full text available in Portuguese and English. 12 articles were evaluated in relation to the strength of evidence and clinical relevance. Considering that criteria for catheterization should be well defined in the institutions and that urinary catheters are necessary, it is concluded that they increase the frequency of infections, especially in the inadequate performance and manipulation. Intermittent catheterization performed in a sterile and adequate manner is evidenced as the most recommended because it causes fewer infections than the catheterization of delay.


Nursing care, urinary catheterization, urinary retention

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