Nursing care applied to impaired physical mobility in post operative period of arthroplasty hip in Intensive Care Unit (ICU)- systematized review of literature

Ary Santana Nascimento, Isabel CF da Cruz



Objective: To know the nursing assistences applied in Physical Impairment, specified in Total Hip Arthroplasty.
Clinical Question: For the high-complexity patient diagnosed Physical Mobility Impaired, how did you find the most effective treatment conduits for your identification by the nurse?
Methods: The present research was carried out on a bibliographic, computerized research in the BVS and PubMed portals, in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE and CINAHL, of which we selected only those indexed in periods in the databases already mentioned, in the period of 2010 to 2014.
Answering the clinical question: With search we found a positive quantitative in scientific articles, using descriptors: Impaired Physical Mobility, Intensive Care / Nursing, with and and or operators, being analyzed and selected.
Results: After a dynamic reading, 15 journals were selected for the on-screen study, capable of answering the clinical question: For the high-complexity client with physical impaired mobility diagnosis, which is the most effective treatment for their identification by the nurse? Among the instrument is important in the detection of Impaired Physical Mobility and that its use by the team results in a more effective control in patients of high complexity that presents the diagnosis of Impaired Physical Mobility.
Conclusion: The development of the subject addressed, brought important results to the area of knowledge and practice in nursing care applied in impaired physical mobility in patients undergoing Hip Arthrosplasty in Unit Internsiva Therapy. The diagnosis guides the actions performed with the patients and provides more safety in the rehabilitation. Without highlighting the possibility of other cases of clinical disease. Where the commitment and knowledge of the nursing team minimize with risk-oriented care strategy. However, the work must be multidisciplinary, especially physical therapy
Keywords: Total hip arthroplasty, impaired physical mobility, rehabilitation and nursing care in ICU.


Keywords: Total hip arthroplasty, impaired physical mobility, rehabilitation and nursing care in ICU

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