Nursing care for patients with high complexity diagnosed with spiritual anguish

Nicole Bianca Real de Queiroz, Isabel CF da Cruz


This is a bibliographic review study that aims to: Identify the best evidence available in scientific nursing productions about the care offered by the nurse when diagnosing spiritual distress. Methodology: Bibliographic research, from 2010 to 2016, in the electronic databases: MEDLINE (Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online), LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences), BDENF( Nursing database) and SCIELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) of the integrative review type, using the PICO strategy. Results: There is no single intervention, but a combination of more adequate interventions, that is, an emotional support of the nurse with the psychologist so that the patient can feel more welcomed and more confident in the whole situation. Conclusion: This study was of big importance for the health area, especially for nurses who perform their function in Intensive Care Units, since it presented results for a better care to the critical patient submitted to a spiritual suffering that is not known. In addition to providing scientific knowledge and attitudes to nurses in improving care.
Keywords: Spiritual; 2. Suffering. 3. Anguish. 4. Intensive Care Unit


Spiritual; Suffering; Anguish; Intensive Care Unit

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