Guidelines for evidence-based practice on nursing interventions in total parenteral nutrition administration: systematized literature review

Marcello Almeida Fonseca, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


ABSTRACT: The enterocutaneous fistula is defined as an abnormal communication between the gastrointestinal tract and the skin. Malnutrition is a common problem and adequate nutritional support is essential. Objective: To review the evidence-based guidelines that helped the nurse intensivist in the identification and treatment of the nursing care conduct to the enterocutaneous fistula carrier under the use of total parenteral nutrition. Method: This study was carried out through a bibliographical research in a virtual environment, being a systematized review of the literature. We selected 10 articles from national and international nursing journals from 2011 to 2017 that met the criteria for inclusion since the study. Results: Nursing performance promotes quality, safety and reduction of adverse effects during the care period. Conclusion: Nursing interventions in the patient with enterocutaneous fistula using total parenteral nutrition are fundamental to reach the objectives.
Key-Words: Parenteral nutrition, nursing care and enterocutaneous fistula.


Parenteral nutrition; nursing care; enterocutaneous fistula

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