Guidelines for evidence-based practice for the control of nursing intervention in the prevention of central venous catheter-related infection, a challenge in practical ICU care - Systematized Literature Review

Elaine Araujo Silva, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


Abstract : Introduction: The central venous catheter is an invasive device widely used in severe septicemia patients, mainly for administration of vasoactive drugs, blood derivatives and physiological parameter monitoring, but its use is frequently associated with health care related infections. Objectives: To review evidence-based guidelines that will assist the intensive care nurse in the identification and treatment of nursing care related to infection control related to Central Venous access device. Methodology: Bibliographic study, used to search the VHL, LILACS (BDENF, SCIELO), MEDLINE and PUBMED databases from 2011 to 2017, using the descriptors through search in the base of Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCs): Central Venous Catheterization, Hospital Infection , intensive care unit, nursing care, at the end were selected 10 articles.Results: We identified that through good practices in the insertion, management and withdrawal of the central venous catheter the nurse can develop mechanisms to prevent infections related to the use of CVC. Conclusion: Looking at the best nursing interventions, nurses are protagonists in the elaboration, follow-up, control and results of nursing care provided to critical patients in the use of CVC.
Key words: Central Venous Catheterization; Hospital Infection; Nursing care and intensive care unit.


Education; Nursing; Online Learning.

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