Evidence-based practice guidelines for the nursing intervention: Risk of aspiration in ICU - Systematic Literature Review

Gleicimara Junqueira Carvalho, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


Abstract: Objectives: To analyze scientific productions about the main nursing interventions for diagnosis: Risk of aspiration. And the contribution of the nursing professionals to apply them in the day-to-day with regard to the risk factors in the patient in intensive care unit. Method: Systematic review of the literature of 10 scientific articles published between the years 2011 to 2017 in the LILACS, MEDLINE and SCIELO databases, which met the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study. Result: The publications have raised questions related to the systematization of nursing care, pointing out their main interventions for bronchoaspiration. Putting in relevance the contribution to the improvement of the patient. Conclusion: Through evidence-based practice, the articles describe that there is no single nursing intervention more adequate for this diagnosis. And a range of actions that will dictate an improvement in the respiratory condition and prevention of bronchoaspiration. Examples include: Keeping the head of the bed elevated, maintaining the cuff of the appropriately inflated tracheal cannula, aspirating the secretions in the respiratory tract, measuring the volume of the gastric residue, daily performing the ventilation-associated pneumonia prevention bundle.


Respiratory aspiration; Risk of Aspiration; Nursing Care, Critical Patients, Management of the Airways.

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