Guidelines for Evidence-Based Practice on Nursing Prescription Vital Signs Monitoring in ICUs - Systematic review of literature

Cellis Monique Paixao, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


Objectives: To analyze the importance attributed, the barriers and benefits perceived by the nursing team, related to the registry of vital signs parameters in hospitalized patients (ITC) with diagnosis of acute pain. Method: Integrative literature review of 26 scientific articles published between the years 2010 to 2016. The following databases were used: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed via PICO, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Nursing Database (BDENF). Results: Identify measures, observations and monitoring useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of the evolution and clinical conditions of the patient. It was observed that acute pain can arise in several ways, thus, it was also verified the importance of the nurse in choosing the best way to maintain pain control in the patient hospitalized in intensive care units. Conclusion: Vital signs are measures valued in clinical practice and evidence the functioning and alterations of the corporal function constituting a fundamental part in the clinical evaluation of the patient in all the health institutions. The nurse is the reference professional of the care team, so it is up to him to ensure that the actions related to the management of pain are applied, and that the patient is properly assisted.


Signs vital, Acute pain, Intensive care

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