Nursing evidence-based interprofissional practice guidelines for deficient fluid volume in ICU – Systematic Literature Review

Pâmela Ribeiro Dias Rodrigues, Isabel CF da Cruz


Problem-situation: scarcity of information on the interprofessional practice based on scientific evidence and its guidelines for the diagnosis of deficient fluid volume and nursing prescription for the patient of high complexity under intensive care. Objective: to review evidence-based interprofessional guidelines that will assist the intensive care nurse in the identification and treatment of nursing care related to the volume of fluids deficient in the context of the interprofessional team. Method: systematic review of the literature of 10 scientific articles published between the years 2011 to 2017 in the lilacs, medline, scielo and pubmed databases, which met the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study. Result: the most relevant intervention for hypovolemia is volume replacement, with crystalloid being the first choice repository. Conclusion: the interventions of the interprofessional team should be the identification and correction of the cause of hypovolemia, continuous systematic evaluation of signs and symptoms, maintenance of patent airways, guarantee ventilation, two calibrated venous accesses, laboratory tests and volume replacement.


hypovolemia; shock; critical care; nursing care; nursing diagnosis

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