Nursing evidence-based interprofissional practice guidelines for impaired verbal communication in ICU – Systematic Literature Review

Nathalia Conceição Nunes Rodrigues da Silva, Isabel Cruz


Interaction with people in impaired communication conditions requires special reflection and sensitivity to understand what the patient wants. However, there is the problem of the lack of information on the interprofessional practice based on scientific evidence and its guidelines for the diagnosis and prescription of nursing for the highly complex patient with impaired verbal communication under intensive care. Objective to review the evidence-based interprofessional guidelines that will assist the intensivist nurse in the identification and treatment of nursing care related to impaired verbal communication in the context of the interprofessional team. Descriptive method, carried out through a systematized bibliographic review based on secondary works, published in the period from 2011 to 2017. Pubmed, Cinahl, Bdenf and Lilacs databases were used in the Portuguese and English languages in nursing journals, with the strategy of PICO research being elected respectively (P) Critical Care AND Nursing AND (I) Acquired communication disorder OR communication barrier AND Nonverbal Communication AND (O) Communication. Results selection of 10 articles (from 31 retrieved) that collaborated with the resolution of the research problem and classified according to its content and reliability. Conclusion nursing professionals need to appropriate nonverbal methods for communicating with patients, including knowledge of Sign Language as well as the field of alternative communications with imaging with the intention of promoting individualized care with excellence.


Nonverbal Communication; critical care; nursing

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