Nursing Evidence –based inteprofissional practice guidelines for care in post-bariatric surgery – ICU - Systematic Literature Review.

Leonor Cipitelli Spala, Isabel Cruz


Obesity is the most prevalent chronic disease in the world, and bariatric surgery has been a consistent feature to reverse overweight. In this context, the nursing practice has a fundamental role from the preparation of the patient for the surgery until the hospital discharge. Objective: Through literature research, to select and analyze scientific articles that allow answering the practical question, identifying strategies of clinical practice of nursing assistance to patients submitted to bariatric surgery. Methods: This is a descriptive and qualitative research from bibliographic material available in the virtual databases: Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SCIELO); National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health (PUBMED) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS). Results: The results reveal 10 publications identified and analyzed by the thematic analysis technique, in which the following categories of analysis emerged: Nursing diagnosis in the preparation of the patient for bariatric surgery; nursing care in the postoperative period, involving parameters such as vital signs investigation, diet, physical activity, sleep quality and socialization. Conclusion:This review highlights the importance of effective participation of nursing in the diagnosis, care and orientation of patients undergoing bariatric surgery and, especially, in intensive care during late recovery.


obesity, bariatric surgery, nursing care, critical care.

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