Interprofessional nursing practice based on evidence on risk of falls in ICUs – Sistematic literature review.

Beatriz Medeiros Silva, Isabel CF da Cruz


Objective: To review the evidence-based publications and guidelines that will help the intensive care nurse in the identification and treatment of nursing care related to the risk of falls in the context of the interprofessional team. Method: This is an integrative systematic review of the literature through the search of an online, computerized and / or manual database, from 2011 to 2017. Searches were carried out in the databases Scielo, Bdenf, Medline and Lilacs. Results: 1274 articles were rescued, refined and 10 articles were selected for the research. Conclusions: Although the study has a descriptive character, it is noted that most of the articles emphasize that nurses need to know the protocols for fall prevention. The scarcity of universal guidelines for cross-industry care is evident. Recommendations: The need for awareness among health professionals about the importance of interdisciplinary protocols for falls prevention was identified.


intensive care units; nursing care; risk management

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