Nursing evidence-based practice guidelines for impaired physical mobility in ICU - Systematic Literature Review

Silvia ADO De Andrade, Isabel CF da Cruz


Objective: Review evidence-based nursing guidelines that can assist nurses in identifying nursing care diagnoses and prescriptions to achieve the mobility outcome within 7 days. Methods: This is a descriptive and qualitative research and the type of study used was bibliographical from existing material available in the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS). Results: The results reveal 10 publications identified and analyzed by the thematic analysis technique, in which two categories of analysis emerged to simplify and answer the proposed question: the impact of early mobility of patients admitted to the intensive care unit and the role of nurses in implementation of preventive measures in the self-care and activities of daily living of patients diagnosed with stroke.Conclusion: It was observed that there was a significant improvement in mobility, balance and functional capacity when early mobilization of patients admitted to intensive care units was made, evidenced by the significant improvement in relation to ICU stay compared to admission and discharge from the unit.

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