Evidence-based nursing practice on recovery hypovoalemia in ICU - Systematized Literature Review

Ana Carolina Corrêa coelho, Isabel CF da Cruz


Patients in hypovolemic shock are referred to the ICU to restore their physical, mental and preventive capabilities. Objective: of this study is to review the nursing guidelines based on evidence that will assist the intensive care nurse in the identification of nursing care diagnoses and prescriptions to achieve the results of shock recovery. Methodology: used was exploratory and descriptive based on the systematic literature review, the data survey was carried out in 2020 and in the MEDLINE LILACS and Scielo databases, using the Boolean operator and in the double and triple association of descriptors. In the results, 10 articles relevant to the subject were found and organized according to the citations throughout the study. Discussions: it became evident that the nurse needs to have as much information as possible about the patient who will admit and elaborate the real and risk diagnoses by developing nursing prescriptions and interventions for such diagnoses. Completion of all conducts, not only of nursing, but of the entire multidisciplinary team, helps to reduce the length of hospital stay and humanized care that promote the safety and comfort of both the patient and their families.


Intensive Care Units; Nursing; Hypovolemia.

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URN: http://www.jsncare.uff.br/index.php/jsncareurn:nbn:de:1983-4152jsncare.v13i1.33496

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