Nursing Care at the Risk of Hypervolemia to the Client with Severe Chronic Heart Failure in Intensive Care: a systematic review of the literature

Paulo Vitor Alves de Farias, Isabel CF da Cruz


Introduction: Heart Failure is characterized as a metabolic syndrome whose functional capacity of the cardiac pump is unable to meet the body's metabolic needs. This syndrome occurs due to structural or functional anomalies of the heart, which consequently reduces preload and afterload, resulting in the risk of hypervolemia. Objective: To identify Nursing Care at the Risk of Hypervolemia to critical patients with Severe Chronic Heart Failure with low output. Methodology: This is a systematic literature review research, where the following databases were used by the (VHL): LILACS; (MEDLINE); and BDENF during the months of July to November 2020. In order to carry out, the following steps were configured: definition of the guiding question, search in the literature, study, evaluation of the included studies, interpretation of results and synthesis of knowledge. For the research, the following inclusion criteria were used: original articles, published in Portuguese and English, full texts. Result: From the searches, 207 results were found, where a thorough reading of the title and summary was made, afterwards 167 results were concluded, which did not meet the theme of the study, 22 did not present the full text and 08 was duplicated, 10 (100%) were original articles, where they were read in full. Discussion: The risk of hypervolemia, a theme that has not been studied much by Nursing, shows us the need for further thematic study, given that the aging of the population and thus the increase in the number of cases of Heart Failure and Hospitalizations, Nursing present at the bedside will need scientific scope to deal with the different clinical requirements of the individual to be cared for. The Nursing Care to be implemented in Intensive Care for patients with Severe Chronic Heart Failure with Risk of Hypervolemia: Count and Weigh the diaper appropriately; Record water intake; Record drainage pattern; Monitor tissue and mucous hydration; Monitor oxyhemodynamic levels; Monitor cardiac pattern and effectiveness; Monitor respiratory pattern and effectiveness, among others. Conclusion: It is concluded that, for Nursing Care specialized in Intensive Care and in promoting the survival of the Patient with Risk of Hypervolemia in Severe Chronic HF, there must be holistic therapy with critical and reflective reasoning about the multiple factors that intervene in the volume, and thus the quality of life of the person being cared for, such as volemic, injury, nutritional and behavioral care.


Critical Care; Nursing; Hydroelectrolytic imbalance; Heart failure and blood volume

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