Evidence-based nursing practice on proteinuria in the ICU - Systematized Literature Review

Kimberly Nogueira Virla, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


Proteinuria is an exacerbated concentration of protein in the urine, more precisely albumin. Leaving the urine with a foamy appearance, this is due to a failure in the filtration of the blood causing these proteins that should be preserved by the kidneys to be excreted in the urine. The types of proteinuria are: Glomerular, tubular, overload and functional.
Recent research shows that some patients with covid-19, have shown kidney damage including proteinuria, as it causes dysfunction in the kidney's proximal tubule. In nursing care, it is important that nurses manage detailed care for clients.


Nursing; Intensive Care Units; Proteinuria; Covid-19.

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