Learning to do research by doing it: a report on a new approach to the teaching of research methodology in nursing

Isabel CF da Cruz


In this report, I will present a program used with nursing students in graduate-level latu-sensu courses, a process of developing scientific competence via a pedagogical project; in addition, I will identify some of the concepts and expectations for the utilization, production and publication of research. The methodology used was qualitative. The results showed that while research is widely used, and that there is some movement toward its production, publishing is not a common practice. As for the process of teaching-learning, the general opinion was that the strategy of Learning to do Research by Doing it developed scientific competence by integrating research into their daily professional lives. I thus conclude that this description of experience follows the trajectory of the learning process, as well as the approach to the teaching of this discipline, based on the pedagogy of the project.

* Síntese da tese defendida e aprovada no Concurso de Professor Titular em Pesquisa em Enfermagem, da Escola de Enfermagem, da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, janeiro 2001. Publicado originalmente emCRUZ, I.C.F. da Pesquisar se aprende pesquisando...relato da experiência de um programa de metodologia da pesquisa de enfermagem. R. Enferm UERJ, v. 9, n. 3, p. 270-6, 2001


nursing research; research teaching; scientific methodology; clinical research

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