What is the best digital technology for nursing intervention in care with an invasive device site in the icu? – Systematized Literature Review

Larissa Angeli Guirra, Isabel Cruz


The intensive care unit (ICU) is the sector that most uses invasive devices for diagnostic procedures and for the treatment of patients who are in critical condition, the insertion of these devices and their length of stay can trigger complications such as infections related to Health Assistance (IRAS). The objective of this study is to search the professional scientific literature for digital technologies, their characteristics and their purpose of use which can optimize the nursing intervention in the care with an invasive device location (CIPE® code: 10031592), as well as having a positive impact on the therapeutic results of the highly complex patient. It is an integrative computerized review carried out in the databases of the virtual health library (VHL) and PubMed from March to December 2021. We seletcted 8 articles, 1 monograph and 1 thesis were evaluated in relation to the strength of evidence and clinical relevance. Considering that HAIs are one of the factors that increase morbidity and mortality in patients who are hospitalized in the intensive care unit, it is concluded that the monitoring of these patients must be strict, especially in the first 24 hours of insertion of the invasive devices and during their permanence and exchange. The invasive hemodynamic clinical evaluation in patients affected by serious illnesses, major surgeries, prolonged use of intravenous drugs, and among other cases is of extreme importance, therefore, HAIs should be prevented early and the appropriate nursing interventions to be defined implemented.


Nursing; Health

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URN: http://www.jsncare.uff.br/index.php/jsncareurn:nbn:de:1983-4152jsncare.v14i1.34501

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