What is the best digital technology for nursing intervention to monitor tissue perfusion in the ICU - Systematized Literature Review

Lívia Grazielle Benevides dos Santos, Isabel F Cruz


Tissue perfusion changes are common in critical patients, as they are often affected by organic dysfunctions that favor an imbalance in the endogenous production of endothelial regulatory factors. These alterations promote states of hypoflow, hypoperfusion and hypoxia, significantly increasing mortality. To minimize this occurrence, digital technologies are effective tools in the early detection of these diseases, facilitating continuous monitoring of tissue perfusion and more qualified nursing care, reducing the morbidity and mortality of critical patients. In this context, the present study aimed to review and systematize what health technologies exist in the literature to help the intensive care nurse in monitoring the tissue perfusion of highly complex patients. The descriptive research was carried out through a systematic literature review, based on secondary works published from 2013 to 2020. The search took place in a virtual environment in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Pubmed and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); and in the electronic databases: Nursing Database (BDENF), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), Online Medical Literature Search and Analysis System (MEDLINE). It was concluded that digital technologies, although they have proven their importance in the intensive setting and their ability to anticipate health problems, are still not widely disseminated and used in practice. There is still an important gap in Brazilian literature on this topic. It is expected to stimulate more research on this theme, given the importance of these technologies for better outcomes for patients with high complexity.


Nursing; Peripheral vascular diseases; Peripheral Arterial Disease; Technology

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