Lauriane P da Silva, Isabel F Cruz


Objectives: This work aims to carry out a systematic review of the literature regarding the use of new technologies within the health area. The use of new technologies has been a constant nowadays and the benefit of these digital technologies at the service of nursing is indisputable. Technologies that help critical care nurses have emerged as a fundamental resource for the treatment, monitoring and safety of patients undergoing anticoagulant therapy. Method: This is a systematic review of the literature, carried out in June and September 2021, with a search in the online databases of the SCIELO, LILACS and PUBMED. The terms used as descriptors: Digital Technology; Nursing; Anticoagulant Therapy; Intensive care; Monitoring. 120 articles were found, and the inclusion and exclusion filters were applied, resulting in a total of 10 articles. Conclusion: This study will contribute for nursing to seek improvements with the use of digital technologies providing humanized care and reducing damage.


Nursing; Digital Technology; Anticoagulants; Intensive Cares; Monitoring.

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URN: http://www.jsncare.uff.br/index.php/jsncareurn:nbn:de:1983-4152jsncare.v14i1.34691

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