What is the best digital technology for assessing respiratory condition after surgery - Systematized Literature Review

Hudson M Silva, Isabel F Cruz


Objective: Postoperative pulmonary complications are one of the most important causes of morbidity, and compromised pulmonary function often contributes to an increase in the length of hospital stay. Thus, the aim of this revision study was to compile information about the best digital technologies for improve the respiratory conditions in postoperative patients, their main advantages and complications, and the role of nursing in the assessment of these patients' condition. Methods: A descriptive and exploratory study was carried out through a bibliographical survey searching eletronic databases for recent and relevant academic works addressing the proposed theme, between 2010 and 2020. Results: Ten papers were selected met the established and inclusion criteria and were relevant to the proposed theme, enabling the presentation and discussion of the main aspects involved in the assessment of the respiratory condition of patients who underwent surgery, possible complications and guidelines to mitigate or even avoid, adverse effects. In the context of this study, among the actions expected from a nurse is the decision-making based on knowledge about possible respiratory complications related to the performance of surgical procedures. Conclusion: It is noteworthy that actions related to patient safety for the prediction and reduction of perioperative complications are vital, and that the application of digital Technologies enables the early detection of complication and adeverse events in this period, which are differentials for nursing action. Key words: Nursing, Patients, Pulmonary complications, Intensivive therapy.


Nursing, Patients, Pulmonary complications, Intensivive therapy.

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