What is the best digital technology for nursing intervention in tracheostomy care in the ICU - Systematized Literature Review



Goals: Evidence on digital technologies to support nursing intervention to achieve a positive patient experience with therapeutic results within a maximum of 7 days of hospitalization. Objectives: To review in the scientific literature digital technologies, their characteristics and their purpose of use, which can optimize the nursing intervention in tracheostomy care through Cipe. Background: Tracheostomy care through the literature emphasizes that among digital technologies, the The one that best provides continuing education among the team is the simulation through videos. . Search Strategies: Integrative literature review by searching an online database, in the portal BVS and Lilacs, in databases from the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed and BDENF using the Decs: Access to health technology; Permanent Education; Patient-focused care using Boolean operators (AND and OR). Inclusion criteria: articles available in full between 2013 to 2020. Exclusion: incomplete articles, out of time frame and because they are not free. Conclusions: Through the synthesis of publications, the importance of digital technologies for patient care was highlighted. Relevance to clinical practice: objectively identify which types of digital technologies are best suited to patients using tracheostomy in the ICU.


Access to health technology; Continuing education; Patient-focused care

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