Whatisthebest digital technology for nursing intervention in the administration of antibiotics? - Systematic Literature Review

Michelle C Soares, Isabel F Cruz


Objective: to search the professional scientific literature for digital technologies, their characteristics and their purpose of use for intervention in the administration of antibiotics (CIPE® code: 10002383).Methods: this is a Systematic Literature Review, with a search for articles in the PubMed, Virtual Health Library (BVS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) databases, from May to October 2022.10 (ten) articles for its realization.Results: with the selected articles, technologies are increasingly being used in hospitals, which have contributed a lot to the performance of nursing, whether for nursing processes, for the administration of information about patients, as well as for the administration of antibioticsand patient safety, in order to obtain better control and quality in administration.Conclusion: given the adverse situations that the administration of antibiotics can weaken the patient's safety, technology has contributed to the increase of promotion and prevention measures in this administration.
Keywords: Nursing intervention;digital technology;drug safety;administration of antibiotics.


Nursing intervention; digital technology; drug safety; administration of antibiotics.

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URN: http://www.jsncare.uff.br/index.php/jsncareurn:nbn:de:1983-4152jsncare.v15i1.35199

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