Based on evidence, what is the best Digital Technology for glycemic control in critically ill patients? Systematized Literature Review.

Wenderson B H Silva, Isabel F Cruz


Introduction: The wards serve different types of people in different health states, one of the sectors that are of great importance to the community in general are the critical sectors, one of these sectors are the Intensive Care Units (ICU), specialized or not, in this environment In the hospital, patients who need comprehensive care are monitored twenty-four hours a day by the entire health team. Objective: To synthesize and discuss the knowledge produced in the literature about ideal glycemic values in critically ill patients and define the best protocol for controlling hyperglycemia in intensive care units. Methods: This is an integrative review, a research method that summarizes research results from the literature through a systematic analysis process. Result: Some studies were carried out to prove the effectiveness of monitoring and glycemic control so that the values do not exceed the ideal limits to maintain good organic functioning. Conclusion: It was observed through this systematic review of the literature that an alignment in the blood glucose collection and control processes becomes beneficial for patients to reach and maintain glycemic values within acceptable levels.
Key words: Glycemic Control. Early Medical Intervention. Intensive Care Units. Monitoring, Physiologic


Glycemic Control. Early Medical Intervention. Intensive Care Units. Monitoring, Physiologic

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