What is the best digital technology for nursing intervention associated with hemotherapy? - Systematized literature review

Thayane de Azevedo Silva, Isabel CF da Cruz


Introduction: New technologies make it possible to improve in several areas of health, including Intensive Care Units (ICU), providing assistance in nursing care, recording information, being generally essential for the nursing stages from interventions, planning to control managerial. In view of this, nursing professionals are indispensable in all stages involving blood therapy, making updating and constant continuing education for this service ideal. Objective: to systematize in the professional scientific literature, methods, purposes and characteristics of digital technologies capable of providing better service to individuals and professional improvement for those who work in the hemotherapy sector (CIPE®: 10039311). Methodology: This study refers to a systematic review of the literature on health technologies that provide improvements in nursing interventions in relation to blood therapy in the ICU. Initiated in searches of descriptors controlled according to the DeCS (Health Science Descriptors) being Hemotherapy, Nursing Intervention, Digital Technologies, Nursing succeeding the use of Boolean AND to search for articles in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and in the Scientific Electronic Library Online forming the following databases: Hemotherapy AND Nursing intervention and Digital Technologies AND Nursing. The survey was carried out from July 2022 to November 2022, totaling 226 articles for Hemotherapy AND Nursing intervention and 3 articles Digital Technologies AND Nursing, following the following exclusion criteria for articles from 2014 to 2022, full text, text in English and Portuguese, duplicated articles and subjects that deviated from the theme resulted in 10 articles related to the work in question. Results: In the hospital environment, specifically in the ICUs, the technologies according to the readings carried out, the conclusion is reached about the importance of surveillance for transfusions in relation to the creation of checklists, citing step by step in which it must be followed. It is also worth remembering the need for electronic medical records and updating them, so that the professional can have immediate access to previous transfusions, registered complications and important information about the patient who will undergo the procedure. Digital technologies for the population have become essential for attracting blood donors with the help of media, social networks, lectures and engagements for such an action, the demand for blood centers in different cities has become high. Conclusion: It is concluded that the vigilance and professional assistance with the aid of digital technologies in the hemotherapy sector in the ICU are extremely important, considering the step by step of the checklists together with the information stored in electronic medical records, the nursing work will be improved and differentiated, minimizing errors and providing the best care for individuals who need this service. It is also worth mentioning the social media strategies in advertisements and dissemination to attract new donors, thus making the cycle constant for those in need.


Hemotherapy; Nursing intervention; health technologies

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URN: http://www.jsncare.uff.br/index.php/jsncareurn:nbn:de:1983-4152jsncare.v15i1.35243

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