Translating digital technology into nursing process for the patient with surgical wound care in ICU - Systematic Literature Review

Italo E Moreira, Izabel F Cruz


Objective: Search the professional scientific literature for experience with the implementation of the referred digital Technologies in the nurse's work with the person with the nursing diagnosis Surgical Wound Care (CIPE® code: 110032863), as well as its treatment and therapeutic results in high complexity. Methods: systematic review of the literature, with the PICO strategy, with search on the platform, Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and the Virtual Health Library (VHL) in the following databases, Lilacs, BDenf and MADLINE, for the selection of scientific publications in language, Portuguese, English, from 2014 to 2021. Results: Scientific evidence has shown the relevance of implementing recent technologies in the treatment of people with overly complex surgical wounds in the ICU. Conclusion: Technologies establish positive results in the scope of nursing work for the treatment of patients who require greater attention and specific care in their therapy, optimizing the technique by effectively promoting methods, strategies, and mechanisms through modern technologies.


Nursing; Health Technology; Nursing Process.

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