Nursing intensive care enabled by digital technology for the patient with Risk of Fall- Systematic Literature Review

Isabella de Fatima Pessoa do Vabo, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


Objective: The risk of falling in hospitalized patients is highly prevalent, making it necessary to implement technologies that identify and reduce this incident. The objective of the study is to search in the professional scientific literature, through electronic databases, the experience of implementing the aforementioned digital technology in the Nurse's work with patients diagnosed with Nursing Fall Risk (ICNP 10015122), as well as the therapeutic results in high complexity. Methodology: This is an Integrative Literature Review, carried out by searching for articles indexed in the following electronic collections: Virtual Health Library (VHL), Nursing Database (BDENF), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILAS), Medline and Scielo. Conclusion: It was concluded that the Risk of Falling can be better identified and treated when the Nursing Process is implemented through the Electronic Medical Record. It proved to be more favorable to patient safety when compared to handwritten medical records.


Nursing Process, Fall Accident, Eletronic Health Records and Health Technology

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