Infection in central venous catheters: bandage with sterile gauze or transparent film? - Sistematic literature review

Natalia Guimarães França, Isabel CF da Cruz


The central venous catheterization is common practice in intensive care units. Central venous catheters provide safe vascular access, but procedures are not innocuous, often are associated with adverse events. As prevention or treatment of these adverse events are used aseptic dressings with sterile gauze or transparent film. Objective: Identify the nursing research, using the PICO strategy, to determine which type of dressing, sterile gauze or plastic film, is more effective for the prevention of infection in inpatients in ISICVC in Intensive Care Units. Method: A systematic literature review, included in the period from 2007 to 2012 in a database. Results: There was a similar data regarding the prevention of infection of the catheter insertion site in both curative, but greater viability was found in transparent film dressings. Discussion: It was then, the importance of an effective intervention by holding the dressing on the part of the nurse in maintaining permeable site of insertion of central venous catheter in the patient's Intensive Care Unit. Among the types of dressings for central venous catheter, the transparent film dressing was more efficient when compared to the cost / benefit. Conclusion: It is important that other investigations related to the theme are developed and occurring more searches of scientific knowledge that is based practice and clinical interventions there, accurately and safely. However, as the evidence of this research opt for transparent film dressing is more feasible.


Central venous catheter; Dressing; Intensive Care Unit

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