jucineide matos jucy, Isabel CF da Cruz


Abstract: The placement of a patient in a unit high complexity requires greater attention from health care professionals to this critical or surgical patient, considerate, in many cases, at risk of death. Because of this, care must be provided individually, seeking to prevent the aggravation of diseases and control of the present illness. From a care which happens to be played by health professionals, which include the functions of the nurse are performed to meet the health needs of individuals or communities. This work is in critical patients as well as surgical, which often require the deployment of a drain to drain the entire volume of intracorporeal fluids that accumulates due to surgeries. The Jackson-Pratt drain is of great importance in achieving this, which contains the bulb on its end allows a gentle suction to remove all liquid faster. Thus, all the operations provided by this nurse will prevent complications which may be associated with pre-existing or even disorders related to general state that the patient lies.


Intensive care, Critical patient, Postoperative care, Nursing care, Drain, Jackson-Pratt.

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