Communication of the clinic deterioration: systematic literature review for a clinical protocol

Ana Claudia Cardoso dos Santos Araujo, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


The objective of this study was to investigate through the scientific research that address the issue based on a the communication of clinic deterioration. It is a bibliographic research, a systematic review of the literature, which were selected 20 articles from the database Lilacs and Medline from 2010 to 2015. By analysis the material it was observed that the communication is still a barrier that hinders the bond among professional and patients being, the training aimed at capacitating them for this hard task, the ideal choice in order to provide an environment to feelings and not only and not only mechanized daily activities mechanized by the routine overwork in intensive care units, it was possible to create three categories: I - Perception and means of in communication of the nurse with the patient in the intensive care unit with clinic deterioration, II - Strategies for good pratics regarding the safety of patients in the intensive care unit and III - utilization of the protocols of SPIKES by the nurse as instrument in the intensive care unit. It has been verified that the distancing of the actions nurse concerning the communication of deterioration of the clinic report of the patient in the intensive care unit, good practices in favour on the patient safety, and implementation of the protocol of SPIKES by nurses, creating so a bond and quality care. It was concluded that nurses need trainings for the communication of clinical deterioration, good practice about patient safety and use of the SPIKES protocol by nurses, but there is a need to be more research on the topic.


Bad News; Communication; Nursing; Patient Safety.

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