Patient safety catheter infection prevention of venous central: systematized review of llterature for clinical protocol

Mariana Alves Pires Miralha, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


Abstract: Problem: The infection associated with central venous catheter is an important factor of morbidity and mortality in intensive care, been appropriate to the nurse the cares in preparation and maintenance. Therefore it was established the following research problem: What are the nursing cares for prevention of central venous catheter infection? Objectives: To identify and describe through the evidence in literature the main risk factors for central venous catheter infection and nursing care. Methodology: Bibliographical study to search in the VHL, in the LILACS and MEDLINE databases from 2010 to 2015, using the following keywords: Central Venous Catheterization, Nosocomial infection, intensive care unit and nursing care at the end of the search, obtaining 20 articles. Results: This study demonstraded that there are preventive and safe practices for the insertion and management of CVC, such measures can be implemented: the primary hand hygiene before and after each procedure; use of PPE; if possible the use of short-term catheter; use of chlorhexidine skin antisepsis for in the catheter insertion; dressing after insertion; daily notes of the catheter time; circuits of exchange often as institution; friction hubs and connectors with antiseptic before each infusion; dressing change as institution and / or evaluation of the nurse; highlighting the removal of the catheter as soon as possible is essential to reduce the risks as well as lower the amount of lumen, the lower handling time, hence lower risk for proliferation of microorganisms. Conclusion: It was evidenced by this study that the nurse occupies a position of greater responsibility to provide favorable conditions for the prevention of CVC infection, making use of permanent education to inform and train their staff on proper procedures and risks in their daily life in the hospital.


Nursing care; Intensive care Units; Infection Cross; Infections Hospital.

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