Deep vein thrombosis associated with surgery: sistematic literature review for a clinical protocol

Marcela Assimos Flor, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is one of the most common complications affecting hospitalized individuals, especially post-surgical patients by being subjected directly to the risk factors. Venous stasis due to immobility that post-surgical time and / or procedure complications require injury to the vascular wall and bleeding disorder proved to be the main factors triggering the development of thrombosis. In contrast, prophylaxis and diagnostic evaluation are crucial for these patients are not affected by the condition or that it be quickly identified and controlled. This systematic literature review aims to identify and qualify the importance of optimal treatment for DVT for the safety of critically patients. Preventing the spread of the thrombus , prevent their recurrent training and complications such as pulmonary embolism and postphlebitic syndrome are a few ways to provide the limitation of vascular injury resulting in lower consequences to the health of the patient and higher quality of life.


Venous Thrombosis; Nursing Care; Postoperative Complications

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