Falls and fractures: systematized literature review for a clinical protocol

Karina Conceição de Jesus Tavares, Isabel Cristina Fonseca da Cruz


The aim of this study was to investigate the scientific research that address the same standards for prevention and care patients at risk for falls / injuries according to the latest available scientific evidence. A literature search was conducted through a systematic review of computerized literature, conducted in 2010-2015 period, in databases: Scielo, Lilacs, MEDLINE and BDENF. Gives analysis of the material, it was possible to create two categories: intrinsic and extrinsic factors, using as descriptors in Portuguese: trauma, falls and protocol and English: trauma, falls and protocol. In the databases were found 30 articles, 10 articles were but with exclusion, since these were integrative review. Thus, we selected 10 articles and 16 in Portuguese and four in English, where they should be in full and on Portuguese / English, which were selected through content analysis and synthesis, and were lined up on a table and a flowchart the body of this article. It was found that there are intrinsic and extrinsic factors that must be observed in fall prevention / trauma. Thus, it was concluded that the adoption of a protocol aims to provide humane care for the patient, paying attention to factors that can be avoided threatening the security and that can compromise quality of care. Warning that the protocols can only be effective if professionals are motivated to put into practice.


Falls; Trauma; Protocol; Nursing.

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