Assistance systematization front of risk of bleeding diagnosis in intensive care units: systematic literature review

Dayanne Souza Alves de Lima, Isabel CF da Cruz


Objectives: To analyze scientific productions about the main nursing interventions for the patient with a diagnosis of bleeding risk. Method: Systematic review of the literature of 11 scientific articles published between the years 2010 to 2016 in the LILACS, MEDLINE and SCIELO databases. The publications have raised issues related to the nursing process and the systematization of nursing care and how these processes contribute to health when well developed. Outcome: Identifying the patient's diagnoses, it is possible to adopt preventive behaviors, so it is important for the nursing to identify the risk factors, signs and symptoms, do a good assistance to reduce the biggest complication that is the death. Conclusion: There are few studies that, through evidence-based practice, describe the most adequate nursing interventions for each diagnosis, including the risk of bleeding.


Hemorrhage; Nursing Diagnosis; Intensive Care Units; risk of bleeding

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