Nursing diagnosis risk of disease syndrome in critical patients: systematic review of the literature for a clinical protocol

Natalia Ana Carvalho, Isabel CF da Cruz


The present study aims to identify the most effective nursing intervention (or protocol) for the critical patient with the diagnosis of Disuse Syndrome in the scientific productions related to nursing. Method: This is a systematic review of the literature, based on the research question allied to the selection of the descriptors through the PICO strategy. The search of the articles was through the databases of the VHL: Lilacs, BDENF and Medline were also used to search for articles and dissertations, in the Portal of Newspapers CAPES / MEC. The articles found in the database search were submitted to the exploratory, selective and analytical reading through which the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, and the final sample of this systematized review consisted of 10 studies. Outcome: Nurses who are specialists in intensive care should be able to offer a specialized and continuous care and to know the profile of patients with a diagnosis of nursing risk for disuse syndrome. For the decision making of which Nursing interventions would be indicated in front of the nursing diagnosis risk of disuse syndrome, in the studies appears to the proposal of Nursing interventions based on Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) and joint mobilization. Conclusion: It is recommended that similar studies be performed with the assistance of the severe patient so that the nurse can appropriate the knowledge necessary for the optimization of care, as well as the creation of interventions that guide the nurses' diagnostic thinking in their practice.


Nursing Diagnosis; Critical care; Evaluation Studies as Topic

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