Risk of vascular trauma: sistematic literature review

Daniele Nogueira, Isabel CF da Cruz


Objective: To identify in the existing literature about the diagnosis Risk of Vascular Trauma in a patient of the Intensive Care Unit to determine better evidence of nursing actions. Method: Bibliographic research carried out, from 2010 to 2016, on the VHL portal, in the databases of Medline e Lilas, using the controlled search terms: Vascular Trauma Risk, Nursing, Nursing Diagnosis, Emergency and Intensive Care Results: Protective Measures Are always being adopted and even then adverse events happen. Studies have indicated that the risk of major vascular trauma is related to the choice of puncture site. The choice of the gauge in which it should be compatible with the vessel, also verifying along with the medical prescription the time and type of this Endovenous Therapy. Conclusion: more study, research to enable the factors in which they are relat-ed to Vascular Trauma Risk.


Vascular Trauma Risk, Nursing, Nursing Diagnosis, Emergency and Intensive Care

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