Nursing evidence-based interprofissional practice guidelines for impaired gas exchange in ICU – Systematic Literature Review

Jennifer Costa Sales Honorato, Isabel Cruz


The exchange of impaired gases is a serious health problem, since it can lead to death not being treated correctly and immediately. However, the problem of the scarcity of information on scientific-based interprofessional practice. Therefore, the present study aims to review the interprofessional guidelines based on their proposal of assistance to the intensive therapy of identification and treatment of the conduct related to the exchange of impaired gases, in the context of the interprofessional team. The method was a descriptive research, published in January, 2017. Pubmed, Cinahl, Web of Science and Lilacs were used as bases. Filters: Portuguese and English, nursing periodicals. A strategy PICO was used, were elected: (P) Respiratory Insufficiency OR Hypoxia E (I) Airway Management OR Respiratory Exercises AND (C) Breathing, Artificial Ventilation OR Noninvasive OR Positive Pressure Breathing And (O) Breathing . How the 10 articles (from 63 retrieved) were selected that contributed with a resolution of the research problem and with the knowledge of its content and reliability. The evaluation of the study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the evolutions for the treatment of patients with foot disease, evaluation of patients with respiratory insufficiency, the realization of a multiprofessional evaluation and the creation of a multidisciplinary protocol. guide care.


Nursing; respiration; Respiratory Insufficiency; Airway Management

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